Day 1:
Date: 4/27/2013
Time: 7AM - 7PM
Air Temp: 40-65F
Water Temp: 51-52F
Sky: Clear
Wind: Light breeze at times.
Reference Level: 7.8' falling
Clarity: Visibility 2'
20 Smallies: 14-19.5" 19.5" 4lb 9oz
1 Walleye
1 25lb 32" Carp
1 Channel Cat
Finally, a dose of warm weather and the grass turns green, and the buds come off the trees. Critters abound! We saw eagles, hawks, beaver, wood chucks, a black mink, and more ducks and geese than we want to count. Spring is officially here!
Day 2:
Date: 4/28/2013
Time: 3:30PM - 7PM
Air Temp: 70-60F
Water Temp: 53-54F
Sky: Hazy
Wind: 7-8mph
Reference Level: 7.4' falling
Clarity: Visibility 2'
10 Smallies: 12-18"