Day 1:
Date: 3/29/2013
Time: 12 noon - 4:30PM
Air Temp: 40-45F
Water Temp: 38F
Sky: Cloudy
Wind: 7-8mph
Reference Level: 6.3' slightly rising
Clarity: Visibility 3-4'
21 Smallies: 15-17.5"
Our first time out for the new season and not bad for the cold water temps. And a new first, we were flagged down by NYS Troopers, while heading down river to the ramp. As we approached the sculling dock, we noticed the two trooper cars. Was a bit worried, when asked "Are you John?". (OK, what did I do?, Someone die in the family?, ???) No, someone reported that we capsized! They canceled the River Rescue Team, and after some pleasant discussion, we continued on to the ramp. The caller must have been jealous that we got out on the water, and they didn't. :)
Day 2:
Date: 3/30/2013
Time: 9AM - 4PM
Air Temp: 40-50F
Water Temp: 37-39F
Sky: Clear
Wind: 0-5mph
Reference Level: 6.4' slightly rising
Clarity: Visibility 3-4'
30 Smallies: 13-17"
1 Walleye